package org.onehippo.forge.konakart.cms.replication.factory; import; import com.konakart.appif.LanguageIf; import eu.medsea.mimeutil.MimeUtil2; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.cms.replication.jcr.GalleryProcesssorConfig; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.cms.replication.utils.Codecs; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.cms.replication.utils.NodeHelper; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.cms.replication.utils.NodeImagesHelper; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.common.KKCndConstants; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.common.engine.KKStoreConfig; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.common.jcr.HippoModuleConfig; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.NodeIterator; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * To use the replication synchronization, you need to add a class that will extend this class to define * the following information : * - ProductDocType : Define the name of the document type which defines a product. * - KonakartProductPropertyName : Define the name of the node which contains the konakart product * <p/> */ public abstract class AbstractProductFactory implements ProductFactory { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractProductFactory.class); protected MimeUtil2 mimeUtil = new MimeUtil2(); protected Session session; private NodeHelper nodeHelper; private NodeImagesHelper nodeImagesHelper; private String contentRoot; private String galleryRoot; private String productFolder; protected AbstractProductFactory() { // Register the mime detector mimeUtil.registerMimeDetector("eu.medsea.mimeutil.detector.MagicMimeMimeDetector"); } /** * @return the name of the product folder */ public String getProductFolder() { return productFolder; } /** * @return the location where the images are stored */ public String getGalleryRoot() { return galleryRoot; } /** * @return the location where the content is stored */ public String getContentRoot() { return contentRoot; } /** * This is an helper method that could be used to set others information defined into Konakart but not * already integrated within the konakart:konakart document. * * @param storeId the store id - Useful to retrieve the client engine * @param product the konakart's product * @param node the product's node * @param language the product's language */ protected abstract void updateProperties(String storeId, Product product, Node node, LanguageIf language); @Override public void setSession(Session session) throws RepositoryException { this.session = session; nodeHelper = new NodeHelper(session); nodeHelper.setFolderNodeTypeName(KKCndConstants.ECOMMERCE_DOC_TYPE); nodeHelper.setFolderAdditionWorkflowCategory(KKCndConstants.NEW_PRODUCTS_FOLDER_TEMPLATE); nodeHelper.setDocumentAdditionWorkflowCategory(KKCndConstants.NEW_PRODUCT_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE); nodeImagesHelper = new NodeImagesHelper(session); } @Override public void setKKStoreConfig(KKStoreConfig kkStoreConfig) { setContentRoot(kkStoreConfig.getContentRoot()); setGalleryRoot(kkStoreConfig.getGalleryRoot()); setProductFolder(kkStoreConfig.getProductFolder()); } @Override public boolean shouldAddProduct(Product product, LanguageIf language) { // Bu default the product is added. return true; } @Override public void add(String storeId, Product product, LanguageIf language, String baseImagePath) throws Exception { if (!shouldAddProduct(product, language)) {"The product " + product.getName() + " will not be added to Hippo"); return; } KKCndConstants.PRODUCT_TYPE product_type = KKCndConstants.PRODUCT_TYPE.findByType(product.getType()); String productDocType = HippoModuleConfig.getConfig().getClientEngineConfig().getProductNodeTypeMapping().get(product_type.getNamespace()); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(productDocType)) { log.error("No product namespace has been associated for the product namespace : " + product_type.getNamespace() + ". Please set the it within the pluginconfig located " + "at " + HippoModuleConfig.KONAKART_PRODUCT_TYPE_NAMESPACES_PATH); return; } String absPath = contentRoot + "/" + Codecs.encodeNode(productFolder) + "/" + createProductNodeRoot(product); // Create or retrieve the root folder Node rootFolder; // Does not exist - create it. if (!session.getRootNode().hasNode(StringUtils.removeStart(absPath, "/"))) { rootFolder = nodeHelper.createMissingFolders(absPath); } else { rootFolder = session.getNode(absPath); } // Create or retrieve the product node Node productNode = nodeHelper.createOrRetrieveDocument(rootFolder, product, productDocType, session.getUserID(), getLanguageToSetToHippoDoc(language)); boolean addNewProduct = !productNode.hasNode(KKCndConstants.PRODUCT_ID); boolean hasCheckout = false; // Check if the node is check-in if (!productNode.isCheckedOut()) { nodeHelper.checkout(productNode.getPath()); hasCheckout = true; } // Set the state of the product String state = (product.getStatus() == 0) ? NodeHelper.UNPUBLISHED_STATE : NodeHelper.PUBLISHED_STATE; nodeHelper.updateState(productNode, state); // Update the node updateProperties(storeId, product, productNode, language); // Create the konakart ref product createOrUpdateKonakartProduct(product, productNode); // Upload images uploadImages(language, productNode, baseImagePath, product); // Save the session productNode.getSession().save(); // Save the node if (hasCheckout) { nodeHelper.checkin(productNode.getPath()); } if (addNewProduct) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The konakart product with id : {} has been added", product.getId()); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The konakart product with id : {} has been updated", product.getId()); } } } /** * Could have a more complex mapping between the Konakart's locale and the Hippo's locale set to the document * * * @param locale the konakart locale * @return the locale that will be set to the document */ protected String getLanguageToSetToHippoDoc(LanguageIf locale) { // by default this method return the konakart's locale. return locale.getLocale(); } /** * Create a unique page where the product will be created. * <p/> * It will create also the SEO URL of the product * * @param product a product * @return a unique path where the product will be created */ protected String createProductNodeRoot(Product product) { // Get the manufacturer name String absPath = Codecs.encodeNode(product.getManufacturerName()); // Get the creation time DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(product.getDateAdded().getTime().getTime()); absPath += "/" + dateTime.getYear() + "/" + dateTime.getMonthOfYear() + "/" + product.getName().substring(0, 1); return absPath; } /** * Create or update the konakart node. * * @param product the konakart product * @param productNode the hippo product's node * @throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException if any exception occurs */ private void createOrUpdateKonakartProduct(Product product, Node productNode) throws RepositoryException { productNode.setProperty(KKCndConstants.PRODUCT_ID, product.getId()); } /** * Upload the images from Konakart to Hippo CMS * * @param language the current language * @param productNode product node * @param baseImagePath path where the konakart's images are located * @param product the konakart product */ protected void uploadImages(LanguageIf language, Node productNode, String baseImagePath, Product product) { try { // Retrieve the gallery root node // add the product node root String galleryRootNode = galleryRoot + "/" + Codecs.encodeNode(productFolder) + "/" + createProductNodeRoot(product) + "/" + product.getName() + "/" + product.getId(); // Get the root folder Node productGalleryNode = nodeImagesHelper.createMissingFolders(galleryRootNode); // Get the list of images to updload Collection<String> images = getImagesByLanguage(product, language); uploadImages(productNode, productGalleryNode, baseImagePath, images); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to add images", e); } } /** * Get the list of images to upload * <p/> * Konakart is not useful to manage images by language. In this case, the project needs to select * which images will be used for a language. * <p/> * By default the language will be ignored. So all images set within Konakart will be retrieved * * @param product the product to add * @param language the language associated to this product * @return the list of images to upload */ public Collection<String> getImagesByLanguage(Product product, LanguageIf language) { List<String> images = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(product.getImage())) { images.add(product.getImage()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(product.getImage2())) { images.add(product.getImage2()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(product.getImage3())) { images.add(product.getImage3()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(product.getImage4())) { images.add(product.getImage4()); } return images; } /** * Upload the image into the content's gallery * * @param productNode the product node. Used to associate the image with the product's node * @param productGalleryNode the product gallery node * @param baseImagePath the Konakart images' folder where the images are localed. * @param productImages list of images to upload * @throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException . */ private void uploadImages(Node productNode, Node productGalleryNode, String baseImagePath, Collection<String> productImages) throws RepositoryException { for (String productImage : productImages) { String image = baseImagePath + "/" + productImage; String productImageName = productImage; if (StringUtils.contains(productImage, "/")) { productImageName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(productImage, "/"); } File file = new File(image); if (!file.exists()) { if (!StringUtils.equals(file.getName(), "none.png")) { log.warn("Failed to import image. The image at the path {} has not been found. ", image); } return; } Node rootImageNode = null; try { String contentType = MimeUtil2.getMostSpecificMimeType(mimeUtil.getMimeTypes(file)).toString(); // Create the image name rootImageNode = nodeImagesHelper.createGalleryItem(productGalleryNode, getImageNodeTypeName(), productImageName); final ScalingGalleryProcessor processor = new ScalingGalleryProcessor(); // for each version, create a new image. for (String imagesVersionName : GalleryProcesssorConfig.getConfig().getImagesVersionSet()) { // Create the image's node if not exist if (rootImageNode.hasNode(imagesVersionName)) { rootImageNode.getNode(imagesVersionName).remove(); } if (!rootImageNode.hasNode(imagesVersionName)) { InputStream isStream = new FileInputStream(file); GalleryProcesssorConfig.ImageConfig imageConfig = GalleryProcesssorConfig.getConfig().getImageConfigMap(imagesVersionName); ScalingParameters parameters = new ScalingParameters(imageConfig.getWidth(), imageConfig.getHeight(), imageConfig.getUpscaling(), imageConfig.getScalingStrategy(), imageConfig.getCompression()); processor.addScalingParameters(imagesVersionName, parameters); Node node = rootImageNode.addNode(imagesVersionName, "hippogallery:image"); processor.initGalleryResource(node, isStream, contentType, productImageName, Calendar.getInstance()); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // should not happends. Already verified. } catch (RepositoryException e) { log.warn("Unable to create the different versions of the original image - {} ", e); } // Save the image if (rootImageNode != null) { rootImageNode.getSession().save(); } // Associate the image handle with the product if (rootImageNode != null) { linkImageToProduct(productNode, rootImageNode); } else { log.warn("Node has not been created for the image name - " + productImage); } } } /** * Link the image to the product * @param productNode the product * @param rootImageNode the image to link * @throws RepositoryException throw an exception if occurs. */ protected void linkImageToProduct(final Node productNode, final Node rootImageNode) throws RepositoryException { Node imageLink = null; // Retrieve the image UUID String imageUUID = rootImageNode.getParent().getIdentifier(); // Check if the image node has been already added if (productNode.hasNode(KKCndConstants.PRODUCT_IMAGES)) { NodeIterator iterator = productNode.getNodes(KKCndConstants.PRODUCT_IMAGES); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Node node = iterator.nextNode(); if (node.hasProperty("hippo:docbase")) { String docbase = node.getProperty("hippo:docbase").getString(); if (docbase.contains(imageUUID)) { imageLink = node; } } } } if (imageLink == null) { imageLink = productNode.addNode(KKCndConstants.PRODUCT_IMAGES, "hippogallerypicker:imagelink"); } imageLink.setProperty("hippo:docbase", imageUUID); imageLink.setProperty("hippo:facets", new String[0]); imageLink.setProperty("hippo:values", new String[0]); imageLink.setProperty("hippo:modes", new String[0]); } /** * @param contentRoot set the content root where the document will be created. */ private void setContentRoot(String contentRoot) { this.contentRoot = StringUtils.removeEnd(contentRoot, "/"); } /** * @param galleryRoot set the gallery root where the images will be saved */ private void setGalleryRoot(String galleryRoot) { this.galleryRoot = StringUtils.removeEnd(galleryRoot, "/"); } /** * @param productFolder set the name of the folder where the product will be created */ private void setProductFolder(String productFolder) { this.productFolder = productFolder; } /** * @return The name of the primary node type of the new image. */ public String getImageNodeTypeName() { return "hippogallery:imageset"; } }